MERV 8 vs MERV 11 Air Filters: Which Should I Use?

We all want a healthy and comfortable home environment - and believe it or not, your HVAC filter plays a crucial role in both of those things. With so many choices when it comes to air filter options, it can be difficult to know which is best for your home. The MERV 8 and MERV 11 are two popular choices. MERV stands for “Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value”. Filters are rated on the MERV chart based on how efficiently they trap various sized particles. (1) Keep reading to learn the difference between MERV 8 and MERV 11 so you can decide which best suits your family’s needs. 

What Is The Difference Between MERV 8 And MERV 11 Filters?

In two words: filtration efficiency. The difference between MERV 8 and MERV 11 lies within how fine of particles the filter is able to capture. 

The MERV 8 captures large particles such as pollen, pet dander, and dust mites and suits the needs of many families who do not suffer from allergies or other sensitivities. 

The MERV 11 on the other hand, is capable of capturing much finer particles including smoke and pet allergens. This makes the MERV 11 the best choice for individuals that need more robust air purification. 

Which MERV Rating Is Best For Residential HVAC Systems?

The majority of residential HVAC systems are compatible with both MERV 8 and MERV 11 rated filters. MERV 8 is considered a standard for most homes that do not have excessive air quality concerns. Be sure to consult the user manual for your HVAC system to determine if it is compatible with higher-rated filters like MERV 11. 

How Does The Choice Between MERV 8 And MERV 11 Affect Indoor Air Quality?

We’ll start by saying that for most families, a MERV 8 filter works just fine and meets all necessary criteria for clean and healthy indoor air. That said, choosing to upgrade to a higher rated filter, such as a MERV 11, ensures even better indoor air quality to meet the needs of more sensitive individuals. 

What Are The Maintenance Requirements For MERV 8 Vs MERV 11 Filters?

The maintenance requirements for both MERV 8 and MERV 11 consist of replacement as needed, typically every 1-3 months. A MERV 11 filter may require more frequent replacement than a MERV 8 filter due to the denser filtration material. During times of high usage or with added factors such as pet dander or a high pollen season, MERV 11 filters may lose efficiency after about 30 days. 

Can I Upgrade From A MERV 8 To A MERV 11 Filter Without HVAC Modifications?

Dependent on the manufacturer specifications for your HVAC systems, you may be able to upgrade to a MERV 11 filter without any necessary modifications to your system. Most residential HVAC systems, especially new models, can handle a MERV 11 filter. However, in some instances, the more dense filtration material may restrict airflow and reduce efficiency. 

What Are The Cost Differences Between MERV 8 And MERV 11 Filters?

MERV 8 filters are typically more wallet friendly than MERV 11 filters. MERV 8 filters are generally cost effective and meet basic needs. On the other hand, MERV 11 filters can be worth the investment for those with more particular air quality needs. 

How Do MERV 8 And MERV 11 Filters Impact HVAC System Efficiency?

Both MERV 8 and MERV 11 air filters can improve your HVAC system’s efficiency by preventing an accumulation of dirt, dust, dander, and other debri from wreaking havoc on your system. A MERV 11 filter may produce a less efficient air flow  than a MERV 8 filter if your system is not equipped to handle such dense filtration material. An insufficient HVAC system may have to work harder to pull air through a MERV 11 filter, resulting in a higher energy bill and less air flow. 

Are There Specific Scenarios Where MERV 11 Is Preferable Over MERV 8?

Absolutely. Families that struggle with allergies, smokers, pet owners, or those who reside in high-pollution areas may breathe easier when using a MERV 11 filter. 

How Do MERV Ratings Relate To HEPA Filters?

HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters are the equivalent to a MERV 17 filter. HEPA filters are only necessary when requiring a near-sterile environment as they are capable of trapping even micro scoping virus particles. However, a HEPA filter would be much too dense for a residential HVAC unit. (2) 

What Factors Should Be Considered When Choosing Between MERV 8 And MERV 11?

There are several factors to consider when choosing between a MERV 8 and a MERV 11 air filter. 

  • Do you or your family members suffer from allergies or asthma? 

  • Do you own pets that shed? 

  • Are there environmental factors to consider such as wildfire smoke or high-pollen counts? 

  • Your HVAC systems compatibility

  • Your budget


The right air filter can set the stage for a healthy and comfortable home environment. Whatever your needs are, regular air filter maintenance can help keep you breathing easy,  prevent costly HVAC repairs, and keep your electric bills affordable. Explore our selection of MERV 8 and MERV 11 filters today! 

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